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Set up Webhooks to connect to LearnUpon, to keep your records of learner activity up to date.

Webhooks guide

This guide explains how to set up and configure LearnUpon webhooks.

Webhooks let you "listen" for specific events that occur on your LearnUpon portal, like a learner completing a course or a manager enrolling a learner. Once you set up the webhook feature, LearnUpon sends event notices (the hooks) to a defined URL, as a JSON data POST, with defined data schematics. You can use these notices in your third-party site or applications.


When you set up webhooks as a feature, your destination URL receives all the webhooks, for all event triggers that apply to your LearnUpon content and users. You can't turn on a single webhook type.

Contact the support team to turn on webhooks for your portal.

When you have access to the feature, you set it up through your portal interface, following the instructions in the LearnUpon Knowledge Base.

Webhook types

LearnUpon sends webhook messages for the following events on your portal.

Webhook type Description of event
course_cloning_complete an admin finishes cloning a course
course_completion a learner completes a course
course_updated someone updates a course
module_complete a learner completes a module within a course
exam_completion a learner compeletes an exam
survey_completion a learner completes a survey
learning_path_updated someone updates a learning path
learning_path_completion a learner completes a learning path
purchase_completion a customer completes a purchase of courses on the portal
badge_awarded the portal awards a badge associated with a course, learning path, activity or level
badge_revoked an admin removes a badge from a learner

Receiving a webhook on your servers

Configuring your server to receive a webhook is no different from creating any page on your website. For example:

Remember, with webhooks, your server is the server receiving the request.

LearnUpon sends its webhook data as JSON in the request's body. If security is a concern, or if it's important to confirm that LearnUpon sent the webhook, see the Setup tips section for replay-attack prevention and signature verification.

Receiving webhooks with a CSRF-protected server

If you use Rails, Django, or another web framework, your server may automatically check that POST request bodies it receives contain a CSRF token. This security feature helps protect you and your users from cross-site request forgery(external link). However, it may also prevent your server from receiving legitimate webhooks. You may need to exempt the CSRF protection on the Rails route or Django view you use to receive webhooks.

Verifying the received webhook

MD5 Hash in ruby

  MD5.hexdigest( JSON_DATA_FROM_HOOK + ":" + secret_key )

If you have specified a secret key in your LearnUpon webhook settings, each webhook contains a signature in the header section of the JSON payload. That signature is the MD5 hash of the entire JSON payload, minus the signature element itself, with your secret key appended, including a colon separator.

To verify the JSON is valid, LearnUpon recommends the following workflow in your code. Using a JSON parser to parse the received JSON:


If the MD5 hash doesn't match the returned signature value, make sure:

If you still have no success, contact the support team with a sample for further assistance.

Responding to a Webhook

To acknowledge you received the webhook successfully, your server should return a 2xx HTTP status code. LearnUpon's system ignores any other information you return in the request headers or request body.

Any response code outside the 2xx range indicates to LearnUpon that you did not receive/process the webhook successfully. When a webhook is not received for whatever reason, LearnUpon continues trying to send the webhook for 2 more hours.

If your server returns a 4XX HTTP status code, LearnUpon logs a response inside the Error Message section of webhook status.

Make sure responses are no longer than 2 seconds. LearnUpon will timeout the connection, and mark the hook as failed, if the system gets no response within 2+ seconds. If you need to process data, or have any time-consuming operation in your webhook handler, return a status and then finish your processing, either in a background process, or after sending the response and closing the socket.

Webhook content

A typical JSON header

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd",
    "webhookId": 1234,
    "attempt": 1,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
    "webHookType": "course_completion"
  "user": {
    "userId": 12,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "customData": {
        "customerId": 124124

HTTP headers

Each webhook contains custom HTTP headers.

Header Description
X-Powered-By LearnUpon set for any webhook from LearnUpon
X-LearnUpon-Version 1 - or the current version that is associated with the webhook API source
X-LearnUpon-TimeStamp Unix Epoch Time when LearnUpon servers generated this webhook

Webhook header and user attributes

After the HTTP headers, each webhook contains a header and user section in the JSON body.

Most of the LearnUpon webhooks describe user actions, like completing a course or earning a badge. Events prompted by changes to courses or learning paths don't include user data.

Attribute Type Description
source string All webhooks use a source of LearnUpon. The source provides a neat way for you to filter webhooks on your endpoints, if needed!
version integer The webhook API version for the webhook being received
webhookId integer Unique numeric identifier of this event or webhook
signature string MD5 Hash of the JSON Data you receive (without the signature attribute), with a secret key that is set on your webhook configuration settings. You can use this signature to verify if the data sent has been manipulated or not. This step is optional, but recommended. See Verifying the received Webhook
attempt integer The number of times that LearnUpon attempted to send this webhook
lastAttemptAt date/time The last time that LearnUpon failed to send the webhook to you, in UTC date format. Use this data to determine when an error last occurred, and LearnUpon could not send you the webhook data
webHookType string Indicates the type of webhook that you are receiving. See Webhook types
userId integer Unique numeric identifier for the user, whose action has triggered the webhook
lastName string The last name of the user
firstName string The first name of the user
email string The email of the user. Email is the unique identifier for the user in LearnUpon, and is a required field to create users (unless you implement usernames as unique identifier, instead of email, in your initial setup)
username string If you implement usernames (in place of email) in your portals, this node appears in data. It is the username implemented for logins and user "lookups" in the API
customData object Any custom user data fields that you create on your portals for a user. For example, if you use a custom data field called Customer ID it appears in this data payload section

Course Clone Completion

Sample course cloning completion webhook

    "header": {
        "source": "LearnUpon",
        "version": 1,
        "webhookId": 178134,
        "attempt": 2,
        "lastAttemptAt": "2022-03-07T18:36:02Z",
        "webHookType": "course_cloning_complete",
        "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd"
    "clonedFromPortalId": 2000,
    "clonedToPortalId": 15001,
    "newCourseId": 126002,
    "originalCourseId": 126000,
    "ownerId": 1341

The course clone completion hook is a JSON payload sent to your designated URL end point whenever LearnUpon successfully clones, aka makes a copy of, a course, from either the user interface or by using the API.

Course clone completion attributes

Attribute Type Description
clonedFromPortalId integer Source portal of the original course
clonedToPortalId integer Destination portal for the new cloned course
originalCourseId integer The course id for the original course
newCourseId integer The course id for the newly cloned course
ownerId integer Unique identifier of the course owner

Course Completion

Sample course completion webhook

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd",
    "webhookId": 1234,
    "attempt": 1,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
    "webHookType": "course_completion"
  "user": {
    "userId": 12,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "customData": {
        "customerId": 124124
  "enrollmentId": 12345,
  "courseId": 12345,
  "courseName": "Webhooks 101",
  "courseReferenceCode": "XYZ123",
  "modules": [{
        "id": 12345,
        "name": "Pre Test",
        "type": "exam",
        "status": "passed",
        "percentage": 95
  "credits": [{
            "name": "cpd",
            "number": "11.0"
            "name": "cme",
            "number": "0.0"
  "certification": true,
  "certificationName": "Webhook Certification 2015",
  "certExpiresAt": "2013-12-18T15:30:09Z",
  "wasRecertified": false,
  "courseAccessExpiresAt": null,
  "dateEnrolled": "2012-12-16T15:30:09Z",
  "dateStarted": "2012-12-17T15:30:09Z",
  "dateCompleted": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
  "enrollmentStatus": "passed",
  "percentage": 95,
  "hasAttemptsRemaining": false,
  "manuallyMarkedComplete": true,
  "manuallyMarkedCompleteById": 11

The course completion hook is a JSON payload of completion data sent to your designated URL end point, every time a learner completes a course.

This webhook's details about modules are different from the module completion webhook. See Module Completion.

Course completion user attributes

Attribute Type Description
enrollmentId integer Unique numeric identifier for the enrollment
courseId integer Unique numeric identifier for the course
courseName string The title of the course
courseReferenceCode string If you enable course reference codes on your portal, this field contains the references and data from that attribute
certification boolean Indicates if the learner achieved a certificate or not by completing this course
certificationName string The name of the certificate awarded, if any
certExpiresAt string Set to a date (UTC) when the learner's certificate will expire: null indicates no expiry
wasRecertified boolean If you have set up recertification policies on your course certificate, and the user was awarded a certificate, this value is set to true when the user was automatically recertified by LearnUpon on the course
courseAccessExpiresAt string The date (UTC) that the learner's access to this course expires, if set
dateEnrolled string The date (UTC) that the learner enrolled on the course
dateStarted string The date and time (UTC) that the learner started the course
dateCompleted string The date and time (UTC) that the learner completed the course
enrollmentStatus string Indicates the status of the learner on the course having completed it: values are completed, passed or failed
percentage integer The percentage scored for the learner on the course: this value is the learner's average score across all modules with scores in the course.
hasAttemptsRemaining boolean Indicates if the learner has more attempts on the course: this value appears if a learner reaches a failed status, but they have an exam that allows them to re-attempt the course
manuallyMarkedComplete boolean Indicates if the completion was marked complete manually by an authorized user
manuallyMarkedCompleteById integer Unique numeric identifier of the person who manually marked the learner as complete
courseMetaData array Contains custom course data values for courses. Contents returned depend on what custom course data is set up in the portal
credits array If you issue credits for your course, the credits appear here in a listed/embedded object
modules array The list of modules and related statuses in the course: for each module in your course, you get a status, a date the status was set, and scores where relevant

Credits data attributes

attribute type description
name string The name of the credit that was awarded, like "CPD"
number float The number of credits that were awarded to the learner by completing the course, like 5.0

Module object attributes

attribute type description
id integer Unique id of the module in LearnUpon
type string The type of the module: values include page, exam, scorm, tincan, assignment, ilt, survey, checklist
name string The name of the module in LearnUpon
status string The status of the module at the time the learner completed the course, with one of the following statuses: not_started, in_progress, completed, passed, failed, pending_review, attended, no_show, cancelled
percentage float The score that the learner achieved, if the module included a test, such as an exam or assignment. Normally an integer, but can be a float in some particular modules (e.g. SCORM Module)
dateCompleted string Date/time in UTC format when the user completed this module
attempts integer The number of attempts by the learner, on the module, assuming this module is exam-based
isKnowledgeCheck boolean If the module is an exam, indicates if the exam was a knowledge test only (true) or formal exam (false)

Course Update

Sample course update webhook

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "webhookId": 16011,
    "attempt": 2,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2020-02-26T14:52:29Z",
    "webHookType": "course_updated",
    "signature": "453ace7ececfcbaa5647fc20d0e279a6"
  "courseId": 14874,
  "courseName": "Health and Safety 101",
  "courseReferenceCode": "HS101",
  "courseKeywords": "health and safety, health, safety",
  "courseShortDescription": "Occupational safety and health (OSH), also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS), occupational health, or workplace health and safety (WHS), is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. These terms also refer to the goals of this field, so their use in the sense of this article was originally an abbreviation of occupational safety and health program/department etc.\n\nThe goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy work environment. OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment.",
  "datePublished": "2019-06-17T16:31:56Z",
  "courseVersion": 1,
  "courseSourceId": 14874,
  "courseStatus": "Published",
  "cataloged": true,
  "thumbnailImageUrl": "",
  "difficulty": "Basic",
  "courseLength": 30,
  "courseLengthUnit": "Minutes",
  "modules": [
      "id": 17925,
      "type": "Module",
      "name": "Health and Safety Video Tutorial",
      "isKnowledgeCheck": false
      "id": 17926,
      "type": "Exam",
      "name": "Health and Safety Knowledge Check",
      "isKnowledgeCheck": true
  "courseIsSellable": true,
  "price": 0,
  "membershipPricing": [
      "name": "memberPrice",
      "price": 40
      "name": "nonMemberPrice",
      "price": 100
  "dueDate": {
    "numOfDaysAfterEnrollment": null,
    "setDate": null
  "accessExpires": {
    "numOfDaysAfterEnrollment": null,
    "setDate": null
  "certificate": {
    "certificateName": "Health and Safety 101",
    "certExpiresNumDaysAfterAward": 365,
    "autoReenroll": true,
    "autoReenrollNumDaysBeforeCertExpires": 300
  "credits": [
      "name": "CPE",
      "number": "100.0"
  "badges": [
      "name": "Gold Course Completion",
      "number": 2,
      "points": 80,
      "achieved": "On course completion"
      "name": "Strong Skills",
      "number": 2,
      "points": 80,
      "achieved": "On course completion"

The course update webhook is a JSON payload of course change data sent to your designated URL end point, every time an admin, manager or instructor updates a course.

Courses must have a status of published, under revision, archived or deleted to trigger a webhook. Creating and editing a draft course does not prompt a webhook.

For a deleted course status, LearnUpon sends a webhook noting the deletion, and won't send further webhooks for that course.

Once published, any change to the course attributes listed triggers a webhook. Webhooks are designed to send after 1 minute. So multiple updates you make in 1 minute can appear within a single webhook, and it contains the most up to date information available.

For custom course data, creating or deleting a new custom course data field doesn't trigger a webhook. You need to add new data to the field to prompt the webhook.

Course Update does not pass any user information: course information only.

Course update attributes

Attribute Type Description
courseId integer Unique identifier numeric for the course
courseName string The title of the course
courseReferenceCode string If you have course reference codes enabled on your portal, this attribute contains the references and data from that attribute
courseKeywords string If you have keywords added to your course, they appear here
courseShortDescription string The short description, which appears on the My Courses page or the catalog
datePublished string The date that the course was first published, in UTC format
courseVersion integer The version of the course
courseSourceId integer This is the source course_id for each version of a course. For example: for 3 courses, A, B, C (versions 1, 2, 3 respectively) each of these courses use the same courseSourceId value, the id of the first course. This attribute lets you group together courses that stem from the same root course, in their version tree
courseStatus string The status of the course at the time LearnUpon sends the webhook, for courses with a status of Published, Under Revision, Archived or Deleted
thumbnailImageUrl string The main thumbnail image URL for the course
catalogued boolean Indicates if the course is available in the catalogue (true). Default value is false
modules array The list of modules and module types in the course
courseIsSellable boolean Notes if the course is available on the storefront. Default value is false, for not sellable
price integer The price of the course
membershipPricing array If you use associations in your portal, the pricing for each type of member is in a listed/embedded object
dueDate object The course due date, or set number of days to complete the course after an enrollment for a learner
accessExpires object The course expiry date, or set number of days before an enrollment expires after an enrollment for a learner
difficulty string Indicates the difficulty level on your course
courseLength integer The course length if specified
courseLengthUnit string Indicates the length unit for your course, hours or minutes
certificate object If learners can get a certificate on this course, this attribute contains the information
credits array If you issue credits for your course, the credits appear here in a listed/embedded object
badges array Describes the badges learners can receive, in a listed/embedded object
courseMetaData array Contains custom course data values for courses. Contents returned depend on what custom course data you set up in the portal

dueDate object attributes

Attribute Type Description
numOfDaysAfterEnrollment integer The number of days after enrollment on this course, for completing the course
setDate string The date/time when this course is due for completion in UTC format

accessExpires object attributes

Attribute Type Description
numOfDaysAfterEnrollment integer The number of days learners can access this course before it expires
setDate string The set expiry date for this course in UTC format. If set, learners cannot access after this date

certificate object attributes

Attribute Type Description
certificateName string The name of the certificate awarded to a learner, on successful completion of the course
certExpiresNumDaysAfterAward integer The set number of days before a certificate expires after awarding
autoReenroll boolean
autoReenrollNumDaysBeforeCertExpires integer If the learner is expected to renew their certificate before it expires, this attribute lists the number of days before the expiry, to auto re-enroll the learner

modules array attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique id of the module in LearnUpon
type string The type of the module: values include page, exam, scorm, tincan, assignment, ILT Session, survey, checklist, training
name string The name of the module in LearnUpon
isKnowledgeCheck boolean If the module is an exam, indicates if the exam was a knowledge test only (true) or formal exam (false)
startAt string ILT modules only: start date and time that the ILT session is scheduled, in UTC format
endAt string ILT modules only: end date and time that the ILT is scheduled to complete, in UTC format
maxCapacity integer ILT modules only: the maximum number of learners allowed to attend the ILT session

membershipPricing array attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string The name provided as the membership type in your portal
price integer The course price for the specific membership type

credits array attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the credit that was awarded, like "CPD"
number float The number of credits that were awarded to the learner by completing the course, like 5.0

badges array attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the badge
type string The type of badge
points integer The number of points awarded
achieved string Notes when learner will receive the badge: for example, on completion of the course

Module Complete

Sample module completion webhook

   "header" : {
      "webhookId" : 1721016,
      "lastAttemptAt" : "2022-12-13T16:34:16Z",
      "signature" : "no_secret_key_set",
      "source" : "LearnUpon",
      "webHookType" : "module_complete",
      "attempt" : 1,
      "version" : 1
   "courseId" : 925689,
   "enrollmentId" : 15977495,
   "sequence" : 1,
   "dateStarted" : "2022-12-13 16:28:34 UTC",
   "userId" : 291235,
   "moduleId" : 747130,
   "percentage" : 100,
   "portalId" : 123456,
   "type" : "scorm",
   "markedComplete" : false,
   "additionalData" : null,
   "dateCompleted" : "2022-12-13 16:34:16 UTC",
   "status" : "passed"

The module complete hook is a JSON payload of completion data sent to your designated URL end point, every time a learner completes a module.

This webhook is different from the course completion webhook, that contains module data. See Course Completion.

For exam and survey modules, LearnUpon sends both the exam_completion or survey_completion *and the module_complete webhook.

This webhook handles ILT Center training differently from legacy ILT modules:

Module completion attributes

Attribute Type Description
portalId integer Unique numeric identifier for your portal
enrollmentId integer Unique numeric identifier for the enrollment
courseId integer Unique numeric identifier for the course
moduleId integer Unique numeric identifier for the module the learner completed
sequence integer Describes the order that the modules appear in the course
dateStarted string The date and time (UTC) that the learner started the module
dateCompleted string The date and time (UTC) that the learner completed the module
markedComplete boolean Indicates if the completion was marked complete manually by an authorized user. Default is false
type string Type of module the learner completed: one of page, exam, scorm, tincan, assignment, ILT Session, survey, checklist, training
status string Indicates the status of the learner on the module having completed it: values are completed, failed, or pending_review
percentage integer The percentage of the module completed
additionalData Object Null: reserved for future development

Exam Submitted

Sample exam submitted webhook

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd",
    "webhookId": 1234,
    "attempt": 1,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
    "webHookType": "exam_completion"
  "user": {
    "userId": 12,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "customData": {
        "customerId": 124124
  "enrollmentId": 12345,
  "courseId": 12345,
  "courseName": "Webhooks 101",
  "courseReferenceCode": "XYZ123",
  "examId": 12345,
  "examName": "Pre Test",
  "isKnowledgeTest": false,
  "status": "passed",
  "percentage": 95,
  "dateCompleted": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
  "attemptsTaken": 2,
  "attemptsAllowed": null,
  "unlimitedAttemptsAllowed": true,
  "timedExam": true,
  "timeAllowed": 60,
  "timeTaken": 867.03,
  "wasAutoSubmitted": false,
  "passMark": null,
  "passPercentage": 90

The exam submitted hook is a JSON payload of exam submitted details. Submitting an exam indicates that a learner completed an exam.

Exam user attributes

attribute type description
enrollmentId integer Unique id of the enrollment in LearnUpon
courseId integer Unique id of the course in LearnUpon
courseName string The title of the course
courseReferenceCode string If you enable course reference codes on your portal, this field contains the references and data from that attribute
examId integer Unique numeric identifier of the exam in LearnUpon
examName string The name of the exam in LearnUpon
isKnowledgeTest boolean Indicates if the exam is a knowledge test (true) only or formal exam (false)
status string The status of the user on the exam, passed or failed
percentage integer The score that the learner achieved on on the exam
dateCompleted string Date and time when the user completed this exam, in UTC format
attemptsTaken integer The number of attempts on this exam by the learner so far
attemptsAllowed integer The number of attempts permitted, assuming attempts are limited (see unlimitedAttemptsAllowed attribute)
unlimitedAttemptsAllowed boolean Set to true if the exam has unlimited attempts permitted: otherwise false. When set, this attribute overrides attemptsAllowed
timedExam boolean Set to true when the exam is a timed exam
timeAllowed integer The number of minutes allocated to complete the exam
timeTaken float The number of seconds taken by the learner to complete the exam
wasAutoSubmitted boolean Set to true if LearnUpon automatically submitted the exam, when the allocated time (timeAllowed) elapsed in full
passMark integer The number of correct answers required to pass the exam, if you do not use passPercentage attribute
passPercentage integer The passing percentage required for this exam. When set, this value overrides passMark

Survey submitted

Sample survey submitted webhook

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd",
    "webhookId": 1234,
    "attempt": 1,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
    "webHookType": "survey_completion"
  "user": {
    "userId": 12,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "customData": {
        "customerId": 124124
  "enrollmentId": 12345,
  "courseId": 12345,
  "courseName": "Webhooks 101",
  "courseReferenceCode": "XYZ123",
  "surveyId": 123456,
  "surveyName": "Pre Test",
  "dateCompleted": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z"

The survey submitted hook is a JSON payload of survey submitted details sent to your designated URL end point. Submitting a survey indicates that a learner completed a survey, within one of their courses.

Survey submitted attributes

Attribute Type Description
enrollmentId integer Unique numeric identifier of the enrollment
courseId integer Unique numeric identifier of the course
courseName string The title of the course
courseReferenceCode string If you enable course reference codes on your portal, this field contains the references and data from that attribute
surveyId integer Unique numeric identifier of the survey
surveyName string The name of the survey
dateCompleted string Date and time UTC when the user completed this survey

Learning Path update

Sample learning path update webhook

   "header": {
      "source": "LearnUpon",
      "attempt": 1,
      "webHookType": "learning_path_updated",
      "signature": "453ace7ececfcbaa5647fc20d0e279a6",
      "version": 1,
      "lastAttemptAt": "2021-06-28T09:21:13Z",
      "webhookId": 249609
   "learningPathId": 13550,
   "learningPathName": "Growing a positive company culture",
   "learningPathKeywords": "culture, growth, inclusion, business, company",
   "learningPathShortDescription": "In this learning path, we have organized a host of courses which best showcase growing a positive company culture.",
   "learningPathStatus": "Published",
   "cataloged": true,
   "learningPathLength": 45,
   "learningPathLengthUnit": "Minutes",
   "thumbnailImageUrl": "",
   "difficulty": "Not Applicable"

The learning path update webhook is a JSON payload of learning path data sent to your designated URL end point, every time an admin, manager or instructor updates a learning path. This webhook helps you keep up to date of changes to learning paths.

You need to turn on learning paths in your portal, and create and publish a learning path with courses before any learning path updates appear as webhooks.

See Learning paths: create a path, add courses, set progression and publish in the LearnUpon Knowledge Base.

Learning paths must have a status of published, archived or deleted to trigger a webhook. Creating and editing a draft learning path does not prompt a webhook.

For a deleted learning path status, LearnUpon sends a webhook noting the deletion, and won't send further webhooks for that learning path.

Once published, any change to the learning path attributes listed triggers a webhook. Webhooks are designed to send after 1 minute. So multiple updates you make in 1 minute can appear within a single webhook, and it contains the most up to date information available.

Like the Course Update webhook, Learning Path Update does not pass any user information: learning path information only.

Learning path update attributes

Attribute Type Description
learningPathId integer Unique numeric identifier for the learning path
learningPathName string The title of the learning path
learningPathKeywords string If you have keywords added to your learning path, they appear here
learningPathShortDescription string The short description, which appears on the My Courses page or the catalog
datePublished string The date that the course was first published, in UTC format
learningPathStatus string The status of the learning path at the time LearnUpon sends the webhook, for learning paths with a status of Published, Archived or Deleted
thumbnailImageUrl string The main thumbnail image URL for the learning path
catalogued boolean Indicates if the learning path is available in the catalog (true). Default value is false
difficulty string Indicates the difficulty level on your learning path
learningPathLength integer The learning path length if specified
learningPathLengthUnit string Indicates the length unit for your course, hours or minutes

Learning Path completions

Sample learning path completion webhook

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd",
    "webhookId": 1234,
    "attempt": 1,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
    "webHookType": "learning_path_completion"
  "user": {
    "userId": 12,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "customData": {
        "customerId": 124124
  "learningPathUserId": 12345,
  "learningPathId": 12345,
  "learningPathName": "Webhooks 101",
  "courses": [{
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "Pre Test",
    "status": "passed",
    "percentage": 95
  "credits": [{
        "name": "cpd",
        "number": "11.0"
        "name": "cme",
        "number": "0.0"
  "certification": true,
  "certificationName": "Webhook Certification 2015",
  "certExpiresAt": "2013-12-18T15:30:09Z",
  "wasRecertified": false,
  "dateEnrolled": "2012-12-16T15:30:09Z",
  "dateStarted": "2012-12-17T15:30:09Z",
  "dateCompleted": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
  "percentage": 95,
  "numberCompletedCourses": 1

The path completion hook is a JSON payload of completion data sent to your designated URL end point, every time a learner completes a Learning Path.

Learning Path completed user attributes

attribute type description
learningPathUserId integer Unique id of the learning path enrollment for the user in LearnUpon
learningPathId integer Unique id of the path in LearnUpon
learningPathName string The title of the path
certification boolean Indicates if the learner achieved a certificate or not by completing this path
certificationName string The name of the certificate awarded, if any
certExpiresAt string Set to a date (UTC) when the learner's certificate will expire: null indicates no expiry
wasRecertified boolean If you have recertification policies set up on your path certificate, and the user was awarded a certificate, this value is set to true if the user was automatically recertified by LearnUpon on the path.
dateEnrolled string The date (UTC) that the learner was enrolled on the path
dateStarted string The date and time (UTC) that the learner started the path
dateCompleted string The date and time (UTC) that the learner completed the path
percentage integer The percentage scored for the learner on the path: the average score across all scorable courses which the learner completes in the path
numberCompletedCourses integer The number of courses the learner completes on this path
credits array If you issue credits for your path, the credits appear here in a listed/embedded object
courses array The list of courses and related statuses in the course: for each course in your path, you get a status, date of status, scores where relevant

Path credits data attributes

attribute type description
name string The name of the credit that was awarded, like "CPD"
number float The number of credits that were awarded to the learner by completing the path, like 5.0

Course object attributes

attribute type description
id integer Unique id of the course in LearnUpon
name string The name of the course in LearnUpon
status string The status of the course at the time the learner completed the path, with one of the following statuses: not_started, in_progress, completed, passed, failed, pending_review
percentage integer The average score that the learner achieved on this course, if the course contained scoring modules
dateCompleted string Date and time UTC when the user completed this course

Purchase completion

Sample purchase completion webhook (bulk purchase)

  "header": {
    "source": "LearnUpon",
    "version": 1,
    "signature": "6d8275f37584e888167c40e100abffcd",
    "webhookId": 1234,
    "attempt": 1,
    "lastAttemptAt": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
    "webHookType": "purchase_completion"
  "user": {
    "userId": 12,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "customData": {
        "customerId": 124124
  "orderId": 1234,
  "currency": "usd",
  "country": "United States",
  "state": "California",
  "paymentGateway": "stripe",
  "paymentId": "jh_CHRHKeugje",
  "discount": null,
  "coupon": null,
  "dateCompleted": "2012-12-18T15:30:09Z",
  "bulkCodes": "JGUHT353, JFHHHGYEHEH, JHJGHEF78",
  "orderTotal": 33.00,
  "amountPaid": 33.00,
  "orderDiscount": 1.00,
  "salesTaxAmount": 1.00,
  "lineItems": [{
    "lineItemId": 1353,
    "name": "JSON For Developers",
    "courseReferenceCode": "json_123",
    "type": "course",
    "listPrice": 11.00,
    "discount": 1.00,
    "coupon": "LEARNUPONJSON",
    "salesTaxRate": 10,
    "salesTaxAmount": 1.00,
    "taxRateLocation": "store",
    "amountPaid": 11.00,
    "quantity": 1

If you enable LearnUpon’s eCommerce module, you can listen for purchase completion actions happening on your storefront. LearnUpon sends a webhook for every successful sale on your store, including the customer details, the courses/paths/bundles purchased and any taxes, discounts and pricing applied for the sale.

Purchase completion user attributes

Attribute Type Description
orderId integer Unique numeric identifier of the order or cart in LearnUpon.
currency string The currency code for this purchase: options are usd, eur, gbp, cad, aud, nzd
country string The country the customer selected while purchasing
state string The state, if applicable, that the customer selected while purchasing
paymentGateway string The gateway that the customer used in this purchase, assuming it was not a free purchase: options are paypal, stripe, or shopify
paymentId string Unique Payment ID for the purchase: the PayPal, Stripe, or Shopify payment ID/token. If the purchase is a free purchase and no gateway is involved, then this value is LearnUpon's own internal ID for free purchases
coupon string The coupon code used if there was a discount applied and it was a cart wide coupon
dateCompleted string The date and time (UTC) that the customer completed the purchase
bulkCodes string List of Bulk Purchase codes associated with the purchase, if applicable. Learners can use these codes to redeem a purchase in the case of bulk or purchasing on behalf of other users
orderTotal float The total cost of the order, without discounts applied or taxes
amountPaid float The actual total amount paid by the customer, including discounts applied and taxes
orderDiscount float The discount applied to the order if any, by way of a coupon
salesTaxAmount float The amount of sales tax applied on the purchase if any
lineItems array The list of items the customer bought: courses, learning paths and/or bundles

Order line items data attributes

Attribute Type Description
lineItemId integer Unique numeric identifier of the item sold in LearnUpon, for a Course, Learning Path or a Bundle
name string The name of the item purchased in LearnUpon
courseReferenceCode string If you enable course reference codes on your portal, this field contains the references and data from that attribute
type string Indicates the type of the item purchased: course, path or bundle
listPrice float The list price of the course in the store, without discounts or coupons applied
discount float Discount applied to the line_item, if any
coupon string The coupon code used, if there was a discount applied
salesTaxRate float The sales tax rate applied to the line item
salesTaxAmount float The amount of sales tax applied if any to this line_item: applies to all purchases where sales tax is applicable.
taxRateLocation string Indicates if the tax paid was the store tax rate, or the local tax rate of the purchase. The local tax rate applies only for EU based sales. Options are store or local
amountPaid float The cost of this line_item in relation to the overall cart, including discounts removed
quantity integer The number or quantity of this item purchased: invariably this is just 1 but can be more for a bulk purchase.

Badge Awarded

Sample badge awarded webhook

   "header" : {
      "source" : "LearnUpon",
      "version" : 1,
      "webhookId" : 10033043,
      "attempt" : 2,
      "lastAttemptAt" : "2019-12-16T22:24:20Z",
      "webHookType" : "badge_awarded",
      "signature" : "5819cb303fd80d4f3d1d6a6ea7608b68"
   "user" : {
      "id" : 6138780,
      "lastName" : "test1",
      "firstName" : "test1",
      "email" : "",
      "username" : null,
      "numberOfPoints" : 25,
      "numberOfBadges" : 3
   "badge" : {
      "id" : 104597
      "points" : 0,
      "name" : "Level 1 novice badge",
   "awardedBy" : {
      "gamificationLevel" : {
         "id" : 29011,
         "achievedOverOrEqual" : 0,
         "name" : "Level 1"

If you enable the LearnUpon's gamification module, then you can listen for badge-related actions. When learners complete actions (typically completing a course) which trigger awarding a badge, LearnUpon sends a JSON payload with user details.

Badge Awarded user attributes

Attribute Type Description
awardedBy object Describes the gamification system linked to the action: in this example, taking a course
badge object Describes the badge awarded to the user

awardedBy attributes

Attribute Type Description
gamificationLevel object Details about the gamification level achieved by the learner
order object Attributes for the purchase order in the online store
learningResource object Details about the learning resource used by the learner
course object Details about the course the learner is taking
learningPath object Details about the learning path linked to the gamification
externalTrainingRecord object Details about the user's external training record

GamificationLevel attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique numeric identifier of the gamification level
achievedOverOrEqual integer Indicates how many points required to achieve this level
name string Name of the level the user has achieved: for example, Level 1, 2, 3

Order attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique numeric identifier of the purchase order in the online store

LearningResource attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique numeric identifier of the learning resource
title string Title of the learning resource

Course attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique numeric identifier of the course
name string Course name

LearningPath attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique numeric identifier of the learning path
name string Learning path name

ExternalTrainingRecord attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique numeric identifier of the external training record
activity string Name of the external training activity

Badge attributes

Attribute Type Description
points integer Number of points associated with this badge
name string Name of the badge the user has achieved: for example, Level 1 novice badge, Level 2 beginner badge,
id integer Unique numeric identifier associated of the badge awarded to this user

Badge Revoked

Sample badge revoked webhook

   "header" : {
      "source" : "LearnUpon",
      "version" : 1,
      "webhookId" : 10033124,
      "attempt" : 2,
      "lastAttemptAt" : "2019-12-16T22:32:13Z",
      "webHookType" : "badge_revoked",
      "signature" : "b1acfe18b94803bb06c6a8e62140723b"
   "user" : {
      "id" : 6138780,
      "lastName" : "test1",
      "firstName" : "test1",
      "email" : "",
      "username" : null,
      "numberOfPoints" : 5,
      "numberOfBadges" : 2
   "badge" : {
      "id" : 104601,
      "name" : "Bronze Course Completion",
      "points" : 20

If you enable the gamification module, LearnUpon sends the Badge Revoked webhook when a portal admin revokes (deletes) a badge from the list of badges a learner has received.

Badge Revoked user attributes

Attribute Type Description
badge object List of attributes which describe the badge revoked from the user

Badge attributes

Attribute Type Description
points integer Number of points associated with this badge
name string Name of the badge the user has achieved: for example, Level 1 novice badge, Level 2 beginner badge,
id integer Unique numeric identifier associated of the badge awarded to this user

Setup tips

  1. Each webhook has an ID associated with it (header.webhookId). This ID helps you ensure that your store successfully processed webhooks in your application, and you can block repeat posts of the same ID to your application. This ID can help you prevent replay attacks on your servers.

  2. To verify that the JSON payload sent to you is not manipulated externally, verify the signatures that LearnUpon sends in the header. This check demonstrates that no tampering happened to the data in transit.

  3. Each webhook event has a header section, containing user information, and webhook attempts information. You can use this information to track errors in your own service. For example if the number of attempts was 4 and the last_attempt_at is set, that indicates that a problem occurred when LearnUpon last tried to send you this webhook. You can get specific error messages from the Settings >> Webhook Configuration panel of your LearnUpon portal: search using a specific webhook ID or user, or filter by those webhooks that have errors.

  4. LearnUpon supports sending of data over non-SSL Connections, but recommends that your listening agent looks for webhooks on an SSL connection.